السلام عليكم
FREE JEx bot v3 , auto grab target and Auto Upload shell, Get sMTp, Shells, Cpanels
افضل اصدار اداة التخمين المتكامل بأمكانك فعل العديد من الأشياء بهذه الأداة .
Private JEx bot is alot of module Exploit CVE helpful to shell target vuln or random list
Note : Our recommendation to you before buy this one
i5 8generate or old than it ok
8 Ram up to 16gb
Operating System tested : Linux (KALI) or Windows (Best OS Win7 or 8.1) also can use on WIN10 nevermind !
Speed intenet should be well 3-10MB
Dont use vmware host kali or windows to running bot becuase network vmware will slow than
real OS we using !
If you using Windows download python2.7 (not work on Python3 future will be upgrade to python3)
after install u need config on windows 10 with
C:\Python27 path it to make sure can use but should reboot cmd or cmder after do it
link download cmder search on google
python -m pip install requests
python -m pip install bs4
why need it because increase speed bot
Available Exploits in Bot:
1- Cherry-Plugin
2- download-manager Plugin
3- wysija-newsletters
4- Slider Revolution [Revslider]
5- gravity-forms
6- userpro
7- wp-gdpr-compliance
8- wp-graphql
9- formcraft
10- Headway
11- Pagelines Plugin
12- WooCommerce-ProductAddons
13- CateGory-page-icons
14- addblockblocker
15- barclaycart
16- Wp 4.7 Core Exploit
17- eshop-magic
18- HD-WebPlayer
19- WP Job Manager
20- wp-miniaudioplayer
21- wp-support-plus
22- ungallery Plugin
23- WP User Frontend
24- Viral-options
25- Social Warfare
26- jekyll-exporter
27- cloudflare plugin
28- realia plugin
29- woocommerce-software
30- enfold-child Theme
31- contabileads plugin
32- prh-api plugin
33- dzs-videogallery plugin
34- mm-plugin
35- Wp-Install
36- Auto BruteForce
1- Com_adsmanager
2- Com_alberghi
3- Com_CCkJseblod
4- Com_extplorer
5- Com_Fabric
6- Com_facileforms
7- Com_Hdflvplayer
8- Com_Jbcatalog
9- Com_JCE
10- Com_jdownloads
11- Com_Joomanager
12- Com_Macgallery
13- Com_media
14- Com_Myblog
15- Com_rokdownloads
16- Com_s5_media_player
17- Com_SexyContactform
18- Joomla core 3.x RCE
19- Joomla core 3.x RCE [2019]
20 - Joomla Core 3.x Admin Takeover
21 - Auto BruteForce
22 - Com_b2jcontact
23 - Com_bt_portfolio
24 - Com_civicrm
25 - Com_extplorer
26 - Com_facileforms
27 - Com_FoxContent
28 - Com_jwallpapers
29 - Com_oziogallery
30 - Com_redmystic
31 - Com_simplephotogallery
32 - megamenu module
33 - mod_simplefileuploadv1
1- Drupal Add admin geddon1
2- Drupal RCE geddon2
3- Drupal 8 RCE RESTful
4- Drupal mailchimp
5- Drupal php-curl-class
6- BruteForce
1- OsCommerce Core 2.3 RCE Exploit
1- BruteForce
1- CVE-2019-16759 vBulletin Core RCE
1- Env Exploit
2- PHPunit
watch to learn how to work with this tool
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